What if Marilyn Manson was a YouTuber?

On establishing an artist narrative in the digital age.

Last week I came across Lucy Blair Petterssonā€™s thought piece about storytelling for artists and what we can do to learn more about how fans respond to the stories we tell. It triggered a question in me.

Iā€™ve recently been involved with young artists or new projects and aliases by artists who have already built a fanbase before, and one of the biggest creative challenges is often:

How do we establish a narrative with no historical context?

Why is a narrative important?

Attention is the scarcest good in the digital age, so in order to build a career as an artist, you need to figure out how to sustain peopleā€™s attention over long periods of time.

A narrative gives context to the stories you tell. A story is finished, a piece of history, but a narrative provides something that fans can become a part of, something that lives.

But constructing a narrative is not easy: itā€™s a creative exercise that needs input from the artist and often someone who understands the market for their music well.

The challenge is not necessarily in ā€œwhat do we talk about?ā€ but more in:

  • How do we talk about the things we talk about?
  • How do they fit into the overall narrative?
  • How do we include fans in that narrative? By speaking to them directly, by implicitly including them, or do we let them aspire to be a part of it? The latter is a strategy often used by luxury brands.
  • What do we not talk about? This is going to be way more than what you actually talk about. Sometimes you have to make explicit choices, especially when coordinating with a larger team.

All of these decisions shape your brand, and your narrative. And the question that your fans, journalists, and you yourself must be able to answer:

Who are you to be talking about these topics?

The answer may be simple: for Adele, it may be something like ā€œIā€™m a girl like so many others, singing about the issues we all have.ā€ Although, admittedly, Iā€™m not that familiar with Adele.

If done well, your narrative should make your life easier, as it will make decision-making about content on social media, styling, tone, etc. much less difficult.

With some luck, a narrative can span an entire career.

The Marilyn Manson of the social mediaĀ age

In a quick email exchange I had with Lucy Blair Pettersson, I mentioned Marilyn Manson. The guy has always been smart, eloquent, and very image-aware. He constructed a narrative that transcended a particular song or release and he did so in the 90s. Imagine if he had been born on social media.

What if Marilyn Manson was a YouTuber?

What I always loved about Marilyn Manson was how he used shock to win peopleā€™s attention and then showed himself to be thoughtful, intelligent and humorous. Itā€™s a refreshing contrast among a lot of shock bands with no substance and it made him worth talking about.

Surprise is one of the foremost reasons why people share content.

Perhaps Iā€™ll do a talk at a conference or a university on the topic of re-imagining Marilyn Manson as an artist born in the digital age (invite me and make it happen), but for now I want to leave it as something for you to think about on your own.

Understanding why peopleĀ share

I have to make an important distinction here:

Itā€™s not the narrative that gets shared, itā€™s the stories that are part of the narratives that people willĀ repeat.

But your narrative gets turned into a story when people are telling their friends about you, or when journalists are writing about your new album or video.

There are a lot of good books about the topic of what makes things catch on, and Contagious is one of my favourites. The book proposes a STEPPS framework for why people share content:

STEPPS, taken from Contagious

  • Social currency: makes them look smart, funny, politically engaged, or something else when they share this.
  • Triggers: think of a context in which you can repeatedly be top-of-mind for people. The book uses the example of Rebecca Blackā€™s Friday, which sees strong peaks in streams and shares on Fridays.
  • Emotion: when we care, we share. Content that triggers a strong emotional response, like shock, surprise, or outrage, is more likely to be shared.
  • Public: if itā€™s publicly visible it has a higher chance of catching on. Think band merch, but also things like festival wristbands that some people collect and keep on their wrists like trophies.
  • Practical value: if itā€™s useful, it will get shared. If youā€™re a protest band, perhaps you can make a video about how to stay anonymous in this day & age and soundtrack it with your music. If you make electronic music, chances are a lot of your fans will do so too: tutorials are really valuable content.
  • Stories: the book talks about the oldest stories in existence, which are often parables or fairy tales. Theyā€™re powerful tools to communicate ideas and some of these stories have managed to live on for thousands of years.

Your overarching artist narrative doesnā€™t have to include all six of these, but theyā€™re useful to think about when crafting content based on your narrative.

A trick I learned from Niels Aalberts, who managed the band Kyteman and has an excellent music biz newsletter (in Dutch), is that you have to be able to answer this question:

ā€œ[Your name] is the artist who [story]ā€¦ā€

Think about what story you want your fans to share. Think about what they are likely saying already, if anything, and whether thatā€™s exciting enough to actually make people listen.

Be brutally honest to yourself: ā€œthat guy from our hometown who was featured on the radio everywhereā€ may sound cool to people from your hometown, but nobody else will care if thatā€™s the only story. You want people to tell your story and have someone reply: ā€œdid you know heā€™s actually from our hometown?ā€


Donā€™t overcomplicate it. If you create a very complex narrative, your choices for content, the way you react to interview questions, etc. will become more difficult. The point is to make your life easier.

Choose a direction and draft a narrative that is easy to support consistently. Your narrative is never finished. It builds, it grows, and who you are today may not be who you are tomorrow: the transition will be part of your narrative and just like your fans that moved through the transition with you.

Think carefully about whether youā€™ll get tired of something. Would you have the stamina to walk in huge boots all the time and put on layers of make-up like Marilyn Manson? Do you see yourself carrying on with the never-serious shenanigans of Die Antwoord for 10 years, even if youā€™re not nearly as successful as them?

If itā€™s not close to you, and if you donā€™t fully believe in it, itā€™s not a recipe for longevity. Most acts donā€™t make it as big as they hoped to, so itā€™s usually not a problem to abandon a narrative you donā€™t like.

But what if you succeed? šŸ˜±